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Council welcomes publication of the Interim Report of the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce

15 December 2022

Clare County Council has welcomed the publication of the Interim Report of the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce.

The Shannon Estuary has the potential to be the premier location in Ireland for offshore renewable energy as well as a transport hub for Ireland, Tánaiste Leo Varadkar said as he published the Interim Report on Monday (12th December, 2022).

The Interim Report sets out how the MidWest Region can play a leading role in the switch to renewable energy and more climate friendly ways of living and doing business. The Estuary would also become a hub for Sustainable Transport Technologies and a western “Digital Gateway” to Europe.

It proposes significant investment in the ports at Foynes and Moneypoint, a new auction for floating wind generation in 2024, and identifying industrial sites for clean energy industries like hydrogen.

The Report sets out the Taskforce’s ambition to begin supplying Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy through the Estuary by 2030, with the intention to significantly accelerating it up to 2050.

There is also big potential in onshore energy generation by installing solar panels, and new anaerobic digestion facilities.

The Shannon Estuary Region has the potential to double tourist numbers by becoming a destination for outdoor sports and adventure, business and leisure events, and cruise ship arrivals.

Chief Executive of Clare County Council, Pat Dowling, is a member of the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce, which was set up by the Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment last April on foot of a Programme for Government commitment to develop an economic action plan for the area. This Interim Report is an important milestone, outlining a vision for the Estuary area and how to achieve it.

Welcoming the publication of the Report, Mr Dowling said: “The Shannon Estuary holds huge potential, including in the areas of renewable energy, sustainable transport and tourism, that can deliver significant benefits for communities and the economy in the region and beyond. One of the actions identified by the Taskforce through extensive stakeholder consultations, which it will consider further for inclusion in its final report, is the re-establishment of the Strategic Integrated Framework Plan (SIFP) for the Shannon Estuary Working Group, and I have reconvened the SIFP steering group under the chairmanship of Liam Conneally, Director of Economic Development, Clare County Council. The updated SIFP document will inform future marine area policy at local, regional and national levels.”

Clare County Council continues to play an active role in the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce and will assist the Taskforce in every way possible to achieve its objectives, Mr Dowling added.

Liam Conneally, Director of Economic Development, Clare County Council, said: “I welcome the publication of the Interim Report of the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce, which demonstrates the strategic location of the Estuary in the facilitation of future power generation for Ireland and EU. The hard work and comprehensive consultation that has taken place to inform the Interim Report is evident in the practical actions proposed in the report. I also welcome the next steps proposed by the Taskforce, which are to develop a detailed set of recommendations based on the themes highlighted and to consider possible implementation models including an action plan with timelines for delivery.”

To read the full statement from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, visit:

Page last reviewed: 15/12/22

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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